Dufferin Child and Family Services | Orangeville |
Multi-service agency provides child and youth mental health, child protection and developmental support services to residents of Dufferin County. |
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Child and Youth Mental Health Crisis Line | Orangeville |
Provides counseling and support services to children, youth and their families. Provide assistance when a child or youth: * could hurt them self or others * is involved with fire play * has had a sign ... |
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Child and Youth Mental Health | Orangeville |
Provides immediate crisis response services and counselling to children, youth and their families who are feeling suicidal, hopeless, unable to deal with things, frightened, alone, overwhelmed and out ... |
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Child Protection | Orangeville |
The Child Protection Division offering: * intake and investigation * ongoing family services * resources * children's services * adoption * family support/supervised access * kinship service Calls mad ... |
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Complex Special Needs Support Program | Orangeville |
This program is family centered, available to children under the age of 18 with a documented developmental disability and/or autism spectrum disorder and where the individual requiring this level of s ... |
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Developmental Support Services Coordination Program | Orangeville |
Developmental Support Services program provides a variety of services to infants, children, youth and adults. Services include: * Infant and Child Development Program from birth to 5 years who have a ... |
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Headwaters Family Visit Centre | Orangeville |
Family Visit Centre offers: * safe, neutral and child-focused setting for visits between a child and non-custodial parent or other person * safety of all participants, including staff and volunteers * ... |
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Infant and Child Development Program | Orangeville |
Infant and Child Development Program (ICDP) offers family-centered support and early intervention to infants and children (birth to school entry) who are presenting with, or who are at risk for develo ... |
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Medically Fragile Technologically Dependent Day Respite Program | Orangeville |
MFTD Day Respite Program operates for children under 18 years of age who are deemed Medically Fragile Technologically Dependent by the Community Care Access Centre (Ministry of Health and Long Term Ca ... |