Caledon Meals on Wheels, Caledon | Caledon (Town of) |
Provides hot and frozen meals, seniors' social, health and wellness programs, friendly visiting and Project Lifesaver Hot and Frozen Meals * meals prepared fresh daily and can be ordered 1 to 3 times ... |
Dufferin County., Shelburne - Mel Lloyd Centre, Community Support Services | Shelburne |
Not for profit agency operated by the County of Dufferin administers, develops and co-ordinates a range of community support services for seniors and adults with disabilities. * Promotes client indepe ... |
Dufferin, County of, Shelburne - Mel Lloyd Centre, Community Support Services - Meals on Wheels | Shelburne |
Provides meals to individuals living at home to ensure their nutritional needs are met. * Volunteers deliver hot or frozen meals, provide regular social contact, and monitor for potential crisis situa ... |
Meals on Wheels, Grand Valley | Grand Valley |
Four local churches share the preparation and delivery of one meal per week for individuals in the community. Each of the four churches provide this service on a rotating basis. Call for further infor ... |