Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Caledon Meals on Wheels, CaledonCaledon (Town of) Provides hot and frozen meals, seniors' social, health and wellness programs, friendly visiting and Project Lifesaver Hot and Frozen Meals * meals prepared fresh daily and can be ordered 1 to 3 times ...
Dufferin County., Shelburne - Mel Lloyd Centre, Community Support ServicesShelburne Not for profit agency operated by the County of Dufferin administers, develops and co-ordinates a range of community support services for seniors and adults with disabilities. * Promotes client indepe ...
Dufferin, County of, Shelburne - Mel Lloyd Centre, Community Support Services - Meals on WheelsShelburne Provides meals to individuals living at home to ensure their nutritional needs are met. * Volunteers deliver hot or frozen meals, provide regular social contact, and monitor for potential crisis situa ...
Meals on Wheels, Grand ValleyGrand Valley Four local churches share the preparation and delivery of one meal per week for individuals in the community. Each of the four churches provide this service on a rotating basis. Call for further infor ...