Ontario. Ministry of Health, Trillium Drug Program | Etobicoke |
Provides funding to cover the costs of prescription drugs listed in the Ontario Drug Benefit Formulary/Exceptional Access Program to Ontario residents who have high prescription drugs costs in relati ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Ontario's Fertility Program | Toronto Downtown Central |
Program covers eligible people looking to conceive or expand their families * fertility program offers artificial insemination (including intra-uterine insemination), one cycle of in-vitro fertilizati ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Ontario Public Drug Programs | Etobicoke |
Partial funding to cover the costs of prescription drugs listed in the Ontario Drug Benefit Formulary * includes nutrition products and diabetic testing agents * prescriptions for listed drugs must be ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Dental Care For Low-Income Seniors | Toronto |
Dental care program funded by the Provincial government * provides free, routine dental services for low income adults who are 65 years of age or older * coverage period ends yearly on July 31, no mat ... |