Abilities to Work, Orangeville | Orangeville |
Providing personalized service focused on clients' needs and abilities through intake assessments, customized employment plans, funding for education, technology, clothing, specialized equipment and w ... |
Abilities to Work, Orangeville, Employment Services | Orangeville |
Abilities to Work supports persons with disabilities, helping them to find opportunities in employment, self-employment, education or training. Offering personalized service designed to find the best ... |
Community Living Dufferin | East Garafraxa |
Supports people who have developmental disabilities to live with respect and dignity while making connections within their community. Adult Services * Community outreach * Options, Learning and Leisur ... |
Dufferin, County of, Orangeville - Edelbrock Centre, Ontario Works | Orangeville |
Provides financial assistance and employment assistance to individuals in financial need. Services to clients include: * employment support- referrals to community services including Housing and Child ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry, Summer Jobs For Students and Internships, No physical address | Peterborough |
Offers a number of employment and internship programs for youth, including: Summer jobs for students: * Summer Employment Opportunities Program (SEO) * Stewardship Youth Ranger Program (Rangers and Te ... |