Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Alzheimer Society of Dufferin CountyOrangeville Provides information, education and support for people with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias and their caregivers. Services include: * support groups including ongoing monthly support group m ...
Badge of Life CanadaOrillia Empowers First Responders and Canadian Public Safety Personnel and their families who are dealing with operational stress injuries, including post-traumatic stress and suicidal ideation, to achieve he ...
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dufferin & DistrictOrangeville Provides children facing adversity with strong and enduring professionally-supported relationships to positively impact their lives, provide a positive adult role model and develop friendships. Matche ...
Branching Out Support Services Inc., Branching Out Support ServicesOrangeville Support services for individuals with developmental disabilities and differences and their families. Services include: * day program for adults * 1:1 support * respite * social and therapeutic groups ...
Broadway Pentecostal ChurchOrangeville Pentecostal Church offering: * Sunday worship at 10 am * Life groups and ministries for women, men, children and youth
Caledon Meals on Wheels, CaledonCaledon (Town of) Provides hot and frozen meals, seniors' social, health and wellness programs, friendly visiting and Project Lifesaver Hot and Frozen Meals * meals prepared fresh daily and can be ordered 1 to 3 times ...
Caledon/Dufferin Victim Services, Orangeville Office, Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario - Orangeville OfficeOrangeville Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) - program of last resort where no other available private or public resource is available Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario - On-site early intervention and cris ...
Canadian Alopecia Areata FoundationKing Township Services * supports individuals with alopecia with community events, support groups, yearly conferences and discussion forums including Facebook groups for community support in English and French * m ...
College of Early Childhood EducatorsToronto Regulates and governs Ontario's early childhood educators * sets registration requirements, and ethical and professional standards * receives complaints, undertakes discipline process * online public ...
Comfort Keepers, OrangevilleOrangeville Private in-home care provided by trained personal support workers. Specializing in medical and non-medical supports allowing seniors and disabled adults to live comfortably and independently. Services ...
Community Living DufferinEast Garafraxa Supports people who have developmental disabilities to live with respect and dignity while making connections within their community. Adult Services * Community outreach * Options, Learning and Leisur ...
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Child ProtectionOrangeville The Child Protection Division offering: * intake and investigation * ongoing family services * resources * children's services * adoption * family support/supervised access * kinship service Calls mad ...
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Complex Special Needs Support ProgramOrangeville This program is family centered, available to children under the age of 18 with a documented developmental disability and/or autism spectrum disorder and where the individual requiring this level of s ...
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Developmental Support Services Coordination ProgramOrangeville Developmental Support Services program provides a variety of services to infants, children, youth and adults. Services include: * Infant and Child Development Program from birth to 5 years who have a ...
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Headwaters Family Visit CentreOrangeville Family Visit Centre offers: * safe, neutral and child-focused setting for visits between a child and non-custodial parent or other person * safety of all participants, including staff and volunteers * ...
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Medically Fragile Technologically Dependent Day Respite ProgramOrangeville MFTD Day Respite Program operates for children under 18 years of age who are deemed Medically Fragile Technologically Dependent by the Community Care Access Centre (Ministry of Health and Long Term Ca ...
Dufferin County., Grand Valley, EarlyON Child and Family CentreGrand Valley Child and Family Centre offers free programs for caregivers and children from birth to six years. Caregivers can learn and play with their child, meet people and get advice. Services include: &nb ...
Dufferin County., Orangeville, EarlyON Child and Family CentreOrangeville Child and Family Centre offers free programs for caregivers and children from birth to six years. Caregivers can learn and play with their child, meet people and get advice. Services include: &nb ...
Dufferin County., Shelburne - Mel Lloyd Centre, Community Support ServicesShelburne Not for profit agency operated by the County of Dufferin administers, develops and co-ordinates a range of community support services for seniors and adults with disabilities. * Promotes client indepe ...
Dufferin County., Shelburne, EarlyON Child and Family CentreShelburne Child and Family Centre offers free programs for caregivers and children from birth to six years. Caregivers can learn and play with their child, meet people and get advice. Services include: &nb ...
Dufferin, County of, Shelburne - Mel Lloyd Centre, Community Support Services - Adult Day ProgramShelburne Provides a daytime group environment of supervised and supported activities, meals, companionship and recreation for older and disabled adults Activities include: * Exercise and wellness programs * Ga ...
Dufferin, County of, Shelburne - Mel Lloyd Centre, Community Support Services - Friendly VisitingShelburne Provides companionship to isolated seniors, adults with disabilities or people with Alzheimers or other dementias. Aims to reduce loneliness among people who may have limited contact with the communit ...
Dufferin, County of, Shelburne - Mel Lloyd Centre, Community Support Services - Home HelpShelburne Homemaking and Respite Services match eligible clients with individuals or businesses that provide homemaking or short-term relief for caregivers. Services may include: * non-health personal assist wi ...
Dufferin, County of, Shelburne - Mel Lloyd Centre, Community Support Services - Home MaintenanceShelburne Arranges for individuals or businesses to assist clients with outdoor seasonal tasks or repairs and maintenance. May be on a one-time, regular or occasional basis. Services may include: * Shoveling sn ...
Dufferin, County of, Shelburne - Mel Lloyd Centre, Community Support Services - TransportationShelburne Arranges for escorted door-to-door rides to local or out of town destinations including Toronto, Brampton and Barrie for medical appointments. Can also provide a Personal Support Worker (PSW) to accom ...
Dying With Dignity CanadaToronto Advocates for assisted dying rules that respect the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, improving quality of dying, and protecting end-of-life rights * personal support to adults suffering from ...
E3 Community Services, Alliston - Wellington St West, EarlyON Child and Family CentreNew Tecumseth Programs for parents and caregivers of children prenatal to six years of age which can assist in their parenting or caregiving role. The centres also provide: * access to play and inquiry-based learni ...
E3 Community Services, Angus - County Rd 10, EarlyON Child and Family CentreEssa Programs for parents and caregivers of children prenatal to 6 years of age which can assist in their parenting or caregiving role. The centres also provide: * access to play and inquiry based learning ...
E3 Community Services, Beeton, EarlyON Child and Family CentreBeeton Programs for parents and caregivers of children prenatal to six years of age which can assist in their parenting or caregiving role. The centres also provide: * access to play and inquiry-based learni ...
E3 Community Services, Tottenham, EarlyON Child and Family CentreNew Tecumseth Programs for parents and caregivers of children prenatal to six years of age which can assist in their parenting or caregiving role. The centres also provide: * access to play and inquiry-based learni ...
Family Transition Place, Individual and Group Counselling ServicesOrangeville Provides confidential, supportive clinical counselling for individuals and families who are affected by violence. Services include individual and group counselling for women who have experienced abus ...
Fiddlehead Care FarmMono Organic non-profit farm offers supportive therapeutic programs for children, youth and young adults with developmental, physical, emotional and behavioural needs and their families. Farm offers opport ...
Headwaters Health Care Centre, Orangeville - Centennial Rd, TeleCheckOrangeville TeleCheck is a free, confidential  check-in call to support adults 55+ living independently in their homes. The program operates out of Orangeville, and has been running successfully for fifteen ...
Help Call, Personal Emergency Response ServicesOrangeville Providing safety, communication and security system solutions for people living at home or in senior facilities. Offering a range of safety solutions designed to enhance independent living and peace o ...
Hospital for Sick Children, Adolescent MedicineToronto Eating Disorders Program * for children and youth 8-18 years * diagnosis and treatment * inpatient, day hospital and outpatient programs * family education Substance Abuse Day Treatment Program and O ...
Justice for Children and YouthToronto Community legal clinic * legal representation in many areas of law including education, criminal matters, child welfare, human rights, financial assistance or support and leaving home * legal informat ...
LifelineToronto Access to help 24 hours a day * when a fall or medical emergency occurs clients press personal help button worn on wristband or pendant and are connected to a trained personal response associate * si ...
MedicAlert Foundation CanadaNorth York East Services include electronic health records, a secure database, a 24-hour Emergency Hotline and customized medical IDs for people with medical conditions and special needs MedicAlert TM Safely Home TM ...
Ontario Federation for Cerebral PalsyEtobicoke North Support and services to people in Ontario with cerebral palsy * assists member groups in the development and provision of services and programs including accommodation * advocates and promotes awarene ...
Ontario. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Ontario Autism ProgramToronto Family Services and Training: families receive information and training within their community; may include workshops, seminars, consultations and information about autism spectrum disorders, and Ont ...
Parent Support NetworkOrangeville Provides support for parents of school-aged children in the Dufferin area. Services offered: * encouragement to parents to inquire about the resources available to them * interactive workshops on a va ...
Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) NetworkOntario Programs and services available throughout Ontario Peer-led support programs delivered in a variety of ways * mixed group peer-led support * loss specific online peer-led group support * one-to-one t ...
Prosper Canada, Financial EmpowermentToronto Assistance in developing programs which focus on financial literacy and coaching, helping people with low income to file taxes and access government benefits, improving access for low income people t ...
Rural Ottawa South Support Services, Telephone Service, A Friendly VoiceOttawa A friendly warm telephone service dedicated to reducing loneliness and isolation among seniors * trained volunteers can provide compassionate conversation and information about community resources * ...
Salvation Army, Community Christmas Dinner, Orangeville - Riddell RdOrangeville Free community dinner for anyone to attend.
Salvation Army, Dufferin Area Christmas Assistance, Orangeville - Riddell RdOrangeville Provides food assistance, gift cards and toys for Christmas Day to families needing a helping hand. Registration for Christmas Assistance starts in November and continues until early December. ...
Salvation Army, Santa Breakfast, Orangeville - Riddell RdOrangeville Offers a Christmas breakfast for families in the community.
Snow Angels Central East, Online serviceCollingwood Online tool connecting people who need assistance with shoveling snow to volunteers who are willing and able to assist
Victorian Order of Nurses, Orangeville, Adult Day ProgramOrangeville Provides opportunities for seniors or adults with disabilities who are frail, isolated, have cognitive impairments or chronic illness to participate in therapeutic recreational activities. Offers the ...
YMCA of Greater Toronto, Credit Meadows Child Care CentreOrangeville Child care centre provides full time programming for children ages 18 months to 12 years old Offering: * Early learning child care programs * School age before and after school programs * March Break ...