Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Asperger's Society of OntarioToronto Downtown North Provides support as well as educational information for people with Asperger's Syndrome and their families * goals include enhancing public and professional awareness around Asperger's Syndrome, inclu ...
CaledonDufferin Victim Services, Orangeville Office, Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario - Orangeville OfficeOrangeville Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) - program of last resort where no other available private or public resource is available Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario - On-site early intervention and cris ...
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, OntarioToronto Federal housing agency * mortgage loan insurance * information on buying a home, renting a home, home renovations, co-operative housing * housing policy and research ...
Canada. Indigenous Services Canada, Indian Residential Schools Settlement AgreementGatineau Programs include: Residential School Information Line, 1-866-879-4913 * basic information about IAP, ADR and CEP programs * Mon-Sun 8 am-11 pm * will mail out application kits * confirms receipt of IA ...
Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking, Canadian Human Trafficking HotlineToronto Confidential, victim-centered phone line and online chat connecting victims and survivors with social services, local emergency services including law enforcement, and transition and long-term support ...
Canadian Human Rights CommissionOttawa Canadian Human Rights Commission: * administers the Canadian Human Rights Act * handles complaints (including sexual harassment) against organizations * carries out compliance audits of employers and ...
Canadian Red Cross, Toronto Branch, First Contact ProgramToronto New Clients in-person support * information about emergency shelter social legal and health services * information and referral on refugee claim process and settlement services * work permits ...
Fem'aide : Francophone helpline for women affected by violenceOntario Francophone helpline for women * crisis intervention * support and referral to community agencies * confidential calls
Labour Community Services of PeelBrampton Provides legal services related to labour rights and income supports in the Peel Region, including: * legal information and advice * supportive counselling in navigating workplace conflict * assistanc ...
Muscular Dystrophy Canada - Ontario Regional OfficeToronto Downtown North Education and support services to persons who have a neuromuscular disorder and are registered with Muscular Dystrophy Canada (MDC) * information and referrals about the nature and management of neuro ...
National Eating Disorder Information CentreToronto Downtown Central National resource for information on eating disorders and weight preoccupation * telephone helpline provides information and referrals to treatment and support * resource library and printed materials ...
Ontario. Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks, Peterborough - Mailing Address, Natural Resources Information and Support CentrePeterborough Not a walk-in customer service counter Provides free information by phone, teletype and email to the public about Ministry of Natural Resources programs and services. Topics of interest include: * hu ...
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Sexual Health Infoline OntarioToronto Downtown Province-wide free anonymous counselling, information and referrals to sexual health clinics and community agencies on HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, birth control options, sexual orientat ...
Ontario. Office of the Worker Adviser, Scarborough Office, Ontario. Office of the Worker Adviser, Scarborough OfficeToronto Advocacy, advice, education and representation: * summary advice and representation through all stages of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board claims process or the Workplace Safety and Insurance ...
Service Canada, Orangeville, Orangeville Service Canada CentreOrangeville One-stop service delivery for a wide range of federal programs and services. Service Request Form Request a phone call about one or more of the following programs: * Employment Insurance * Canada Pens ...