Organization / Program Name(s) Located In Description (Brief)
Caledon Meals on Wheels, CaledonCaledon (Town of) Provides hot and frozen meals, seniors' social, health and wellness programs, friendly visiting and Project Lifesaver Hot and Frozen Meals * meals prepared fresh daily and can be ordered 1 to 3 times ...
Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch, Orangeville Office, Mental Health SupportsOrangeville Offers specialized assessment and support for individuals experiencing mental health difficulties Treatment plans may include: * individual psychotherapy * addictions counselling * groups (educational ...
CHOICES Youth ShelterOrangeville Shelter for homeless youth provides: * Beds * Meals * Laundry facilities * Individual case management * Community Housing for youth ages 19-30 years Shelter is currently accepting donations of non-per ...
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Child and Youth Mental Health Crisis LineOrangeville Provides counseling and support services to children, youth and their families. Provide assistance when a child or youth: * could hurt them self or others * is involved with fire play * has had a sign ...
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Child and Youth Mental HealthOrangeville Provides immediate crisis response services and counselling to children, youth and their families who are feeling suicidal, hopeless, unable to deal with things, frightened, alone, overwhelmed and out ...
Dufferin, County of, Shelburne - Mel Lloyd Centre, Community Support Services - Home MaintenanceShelburne Arranges for individuals or businesses to assist clients with outdoor seasonal tasks or repairs and maintenance. May be on a one-time, regular or occasional basis. Services may include: * Shoveling sn ...
Headwaters Health Care Centre, Orangeville - Centennial Rd, TeleCheckOrangeville TeleCheck is a free, confidential  check-in call to support adults 55+ living independently in their homes. The program operates out of Orangeville, and has been running successfully for fifteen ...
Hospital for Sick Children, Adolescent MedicineToronto Eating Disorders Program * for children and youth 8-18 years * diagnosis and treatment * inpatient, day hospital and outpatient programs * family education Substance Abuse Day Treatment Program and O ...
Justice for Children and YouthToronto Community legal clinic * legal representation in many areas of law including education, criminal matters, child welfare, human rights, financial assistance or support and leaving home * legal informat ...
Kids Help Phone, Crisis Text LineToronto Support and information in any type of crisis by trained volunteers crisis responders * youth text CONNECT or PARLER to 686868 * available in English and French * does not provide medical advice * te ...
MedicAlert Foundation CanadaNorth York East Services include electronic health records, a secure database, a 24-hour Emergency Hotline and customized medical IDs for people with medical conditions and special needs MedicAlert TM Safely Home TM ...
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Dental Care For Low-Income SeniorsToronto Dental care program funded by the Provincial government * provides free, routine dental services for low income adults who are 65 years of age or older * coverage period ends yearly on July 31, no mat ...
Peters (Dr Patricia), PsychologistGuelph Registered psychologist providing services to children, youth, and their parents in Guelph, Wellington County, and Dufferin County. Offering: * individual therapy * individual counselling * consultati ...
Pine River InstituteShelburne Live-in treatment centre and outdoor leadership experience for youth ages 13 to 19 years old struggling with mental health issues, specifically addictive behaviours. Offering: * a holistic treatment a ...
Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) NetworkOntario Programs and services available throughout Ontario Peer-led support programs delivered in a variety of ways * mixed group peer-led support * loss specific online peer-led group support * one-to-one t ...
Rural Ottawa South Support Services, Telephone Service, A Friendly VoiceOttawa A friendly warm telephone service dedicated to reducing loneliness and isolation among seniors * trained volunteers can provide compassionate conversation and information about community resources * ...
Salvation Army, Orangeville - Riddell Rd, Community and Family ServicesOrangeville Provides emergency assistance for those in need in the community, including: Emergency Assistance Program : * Helps to meet three basic needs - food, clothing, household items * Personal hygiene item ...
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health, Orangeville, Public HealthOrangeville COVID-19 Visit Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health for updates regarding COVID-19 Community health service promotes and protects the health of the community. Offers a wide range of clinics, clas ...
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health, Shelburne, Public HealthShelburne COVID-19 Visit Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health for updates regarding COVID-19 Community health service promotes and protects the health of the community. Offers a wide range of clinics, clas ...