Caledon Meals on Wheels, Caledon | Caledon (Town of) |
Provides hot and frozen meals, seniors' social, health and wellness programs, friendly visiting and Project Lifesaver Hot and Frozen Meals * meals prepared fresh daily and can be ordered 1 to 3 times ... |
Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Dufferin Branch, Orangeville Office, Mental Health Supports | Orangeville |
Offers specialized assessment and support for individuals experiencing mental health difficulties Treatment plans may include: * individual psychotherapy * addictions counselling * groups (educational ... |
CHOICES Youth Shelter | Orangeville |
Shelter for homeless youth provides: * Beds * Meals * Laundry facilities * Individual case management * Community Housing for youth ages 19-30 years Shelter is currently accepting donations of non-per ... |
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Child and Youth Mental Health Crisis Line | Orangeville |
Provides counseling and support services to children, youth and their families. Provide assistance when a child or youth: * could hurt them self or others * is involved with fire play * has had a sign ... |
Dufferin Child and Family Services, Child and Youth Mental Health | Orangeville |
Provides immediate crisis response services and counselling to children, youth and their families who are feeling suicidal, hopeless, unable to deal with things, frightened, alone, overwhelmed and out ... |
Dufferin, County of, Shelburne - Mel Lloyd Centre, Community Support Services - Home Maintenance | Shelburne |
Arranges for individuals or businesses to assist clients with outdoor seasonal tasks or repairs and maintenance. May be on a one-time, regular or occasional basis. Services may include: * Shoveling sn ... |
Headwaters Health Care Centre, Orangeville - Centennial Rd, TeleCheck | Orangeville |
TeleCheck is a free, confidential check-in call to support adults 55+ living independently in their homes. The program operates out of Orangeville, and has been running successfully for fifteen ... |
Hospital for Sick Children, Adolescent Medicine | Toronto |
Eating Disorders Program * for children and youth 8-18 years * diagnosis and treatment * inpatient, day hospital and outpatient programs * family education Substance Abuse Day Treatment Program and O ... |
Justice for Children and Youth | Toronto |
Community legal clinic * legal representation in many areas of law including education, criminal matters, child welfare, human rights, financial assistance or support and leaving home * legal informat ... |
Kids Help Phone, Crisis Text Line | Toronto |
Support and information in any type of crisis by trained volunteers crisis responders * youth text CONNECT or PARLER to 686868 * available in English and French * does not provide medical advice * te ... |
MedicAlert Foundation Canada | North York East |
Services include electronic health records, a secure database, a 24-hour Emergency Hotline and customized medical IDs for people with medical conditions and special needs MedicAlert TM Safely Home TM ... |
Ontario. Ministry of Health, Dental Care For Low-Income Seniors | Toronto |
Dental care program funded by the Provincial government * provides free, routine dental services for low income adults who are 65 years of age or older * coverage period ends yearly on July 31, no mat ... |
Peters (Dr Patricia), Psychologist | Guelph |
Registered psychologist providing services to children, youth, and their parents in Guelph, Wellington County, and Dufferin County. Offering: * individual therapy * individual counselling * consultati ... |
Pine River Institute | Shelburne |
Live-in treatment centre and outdoor leadership experience for youth ages 13 to 19 years old struggling with mental health issues, specifically addictive behaviours. Offering: * a holistic treatment a ... |
Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network | Ontario |
Programs and services available throughout Ontario Peer-led support programs delivered in a variety of ways * mixed group peer-led support * loss specific online peer-led group support * one-to-one t ... |
Rural Ottawa South Support Services, Telephone Service, A Friendly Voice | Ottawa |
A friendly warm telephone service dedicated to reducing loneliness and isolation among seniors * trained volunteers can provide compassionate conversation and information about community resources * ... |
Salvation Army, Orangeville - Riddell Rd, Community and Family Services | Orangeville |
Provides emergency assistance for those in need in the community, including: Emergency Assistance Program : * Helps to meet three basic needs - food, clothing, household items * Personal hygiene item ... |
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health, Orangeville, Public Health | Orangeville |
COVID-19 Visit Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health for updates regarding COVID-19 Community health service promotes and protects the health of the community. Offers a wide range of clinics, clas ... |
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health, Shelburne, Public Health | Shelburne |
COVID-19 Visit Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health for updates regarding COVID-19 Community health service promotes and protects the health of the community. Offers a wide range of clinics, clas ... |